puwer inspection

Who is responsible for PUWER?

PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) place duties upon individuals and companies who own, operate or control work equipment. PUWER also places responsibilities on businesses and organisations whose employees use work equipment, whether owned by them or not.

Safemach will carryout PUWER inspections on your machinery to ensure your staff, visitors and contactors are safe and you are compliant.

What is PUWER?

PUWER comprises of various Regulations that must be satisfied where applicable to ensure that work equipment (and machinery) is: suitable for intended use; safe for use, maintained in a safe condition and inspected to ensure it is correctly installed and does not subsequently deteriorate; used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training; accompanied by suitable health and safety measures, such as protective devices and controls. These will normally include guarding, emergency stop devices, adequate means of isolation from sources of energy, clearly visible markings and warning devices and for mobile work equipment and power presses, used in accordance with specific requirements.

Some work equipment is subject to other health and safety legislation in addition to PUWER.

PUWER Assessment
PUWER Inspections

Why should we carry out a PUWER inspection?

“The purpose of an inspection is to identify whether the equipment can be operated, adjusted and maintained safely and that any deterioration (for example, any defect, damage or wear) can be detected and remedied before it results in unacceptable risks.”

When do PUWER Inspections need to be carried out?

Every employer shall ensure that:

Where the safety of work equipment depends on the installation conditions, it is inspected after installation and before being put into service for the first time or after assembly at a new site or location.

Where work equipment is exposed to conditions causing deterioration which is liable to result in dangerous situations, it is inspected at suitable intervals and each time exceptional circumstances occur which are liable to jeopardise the safety of the work equipment.

Ensure that inspection records are kept until the next inspection is recorded.

No work equipment leaves their undertaking unless it is accompanied by physical evidence that the last inspection required has been carried out.

We recommend that a PUWER inspection is carried out following modifications and before being returned into service.

In addition, PUWER reassessments should also be carried out from 12 to 36 months depending on the hazards associated with the work equipment and the environment the work equipment is used in, as this can accelerate deterioration. Safemach also carryout periodic reassessments and reassessments when non-compliances have been addressed to ensure and risk has been reduced to an acceptable level.

machinery safety

Safemach and PUWER Inspections

PUWER inspections should be carried out by a competent person who has the necessary knowledge and experience.

Safemach carry out PUWER inspections and provide you with a detailed report which includes a PUWER risk assessments for non-compliant items. Our certified machinery safety engineers will support you in resolving any non-compliance topics highlighted in the PUWER assessment. Safemach uses Machinesafe Compliance Software when carrying out PUWER inspections.

Please contact Safemach to discuss your PUWER inspection requirements.